Launch CR529 Scanner

Review of the Launch CR529 Scanner: An Upgraded Version of the CR319

A car owner sometimes needs to be a car mechanic. And for this purpose, the OBD2 scan device helps you a lot. There are many types of OBD scanners available on the market. So, finding the best one is a tough job. The Launch CR529 is one of the best scanners currently on the market. If you don’t know yet about this entry-level OBD2 device, then this Launch CR529 review article provides you with all types of information. I think this will help you find the best one for you.

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Technical Specification Of Launch CR529 Scanner

FeaturesLaunch CR529
Product Size:7.04 x 4.05 x 1.18 inches
Weight:0.63 Pounds
Screen:2.8-inchTFT (320*240 dpi)
Operating Voltage:9-18V
Support Protocols:ISO9141, KWP2000, CAN, J1850 VPW, and J1850 PWM and CAN
Freeze Frame:Yes
O2 Sensor TEST: Yes
Live Data: Yes
Read/Clear Codes: Yes
DTC Lookup:Yes
Software Upgrade: Free Life Time
Language Support: English, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, French, German

What is the Launch CR529 Automotive Code Reader?

If you don’t know about the OBD2 device, then I must tell you this one kind of device is used to check your car engine system and test the emission. Many modern technologies are now enabled in every vehicle used to monitor your car system. And just like that, this CR529 is one type of monitor used to find any trouble your car faces while you drive it. Launch CR529 Reviews

With this device, you can check the engine lights as well as monitor other systems, like checking the brakes, oil level, the pressure of the tire, airbag, etc. With this device, you get a large screen, which gives you a sizeable graphic view so that you can easily find the issue and fix it properly. The menu is also very intuitive, covering almost all car brands on the market, so you don’t need to face problems while repairing it.

Launch CR529 is more advanced than CR319:

There is no internal or software difference between these two launch scanners. The main difference between these two scanners is their hardware size and weight. Launch CR529 is a little bit bigger than Launch CR329. Also, Launch CR529 supports the Italian language, whereas CR329 supports Japanese. Without this part, they are both the same in a working way.

Launch CR529 One-Click OBD2 Scanner Review

You know what this Launch CR529 scanner is above. Let’s see what the features of this are:

Reading and clearing function:

This device is beneficial for performing all tasks of reading and clearing, it also checks the engine light or establishes the emission status, etc., so this is very useful for reading any fault code from your car.Launch CR529 Scanner

Quick Access:

It gives you quick access to all emission monitors, and then you also can clear all the readings from the monitor with the help of this CR529 scanner.

Support most car brands:

This Launch CR529 designer uses modern technology. So that it’s almost all newly launched cars, this device is available for old to new vehicles.

Information about DTC:

Sometimes, many owners or customers need to search for the DTC. And this scanner helps quickly search this issue from the DTC library with its definition.

Live data and freeze frame rate:

From the launch CR529 scanner, you can check the live data and its information on the running component of the engine. With that, you also use freeze frame data to record the engine’s fault code.launch CR529 OBD2 Scanner

Viewing other information:

You can view VIN, CIN, and CVN to get all information about your car without any issues.

Multiple language options:

Many people face problems while using many scanners for language. But with this newly launched CR529 scanner, you can get seven language options. You need to go to the settings and change the language from there. You get English, French, Russian, Italian, etc., language options. Choose whatever you want from there, and it makes it easy to use for any customer who doesn’t know English well.

Built-in and reachable battery:

This launch CR529 scanner can be used without any battery. You need to attach it with vehicle power, and then you can enjoy your scanner anywhere.

Get a fault printout:

If you need a hard copy of your trouble code or any issue with your car engine, you can print it with the help of this scanner. This printed one sometimes gets very helpful for consulting many matters.

Free software update for a lifetime:

You often need to buy the new scanner version from the company, but launching the CR529 scanner gives you free software updates. So, you don’t need to worry about buying it or wasting any money that way. 

This is the main feature you got from the launch CR529 scanner. And for me, this is the best quality for needing a car scanner. 

Comparison Between Launch CR529 vs CR319 Scanner

FeaturesLaunch CR529Launch CR319
Product Size:7.04 x 4.05 x 1.18 inches4.65 x 2.68 x 0.88 inches
Weight:0.63 Pounds0.44 Pounds
Screen Size:2.8-inch TFT 320*240 dpi1.77-inch TFT 160*128 dpi
Read/Clear Codes: YesYes
Vehicle Information:YesYes
DTC Lookup:  YesYes
Data Graphical Display:  YesNo
Not Support language:  ItalianJapanese

Pros and Cons of the Launch CR529 scanner

We were talking about all the features of the launch CR529 scanner. But you also need to know some issues before purchasing this scanner. So let us see what the advantage and disadvantages you will face if you buy this scanner for your car is:

  • This launch CR529 scanner can read all codes of OBD2.
  • It gives you seven different language options,
  • Launch CR529 supports almost all primary OBD2 protocols.
  • Easy to use,
  • This launch CR529 scanner can be used without any battery,
  • No need to buy future updates.
  • Very budget-friendly.
  • You can quickly check the car engine performance and also get a printout from this if you need further consultation.
  • The launch CR529 scanner has a very short cord.
  • It would help if you used it with cable, with no Bluetooth support.
  • This scanner is not for diesel vehicles.

And these are the main key points if you want to buy this launch CR529. And I think no device is perfect and can’t fulfill all customers’ demands. Sometimes you need to minimize your requirements and buy the best one in your budget. And this scanner is best in this way.


  • Is this launch CR529 that can read the OBD1 trouble code?

No, this device can’t read any OBD 1 code. It can only be designed for reading OBD2 code.

  • Is this launch CR529 expensive?

Not at all. This is a very affordable scanner in the market.

  •  Is this launch CR529 that can store data in the memory?

Yes. This scanner can store data, so you can use it for future issues. With that, you also can get a printout from this device.

1 thought on “Review of the Launch CR529 Scanner: An Upgraded Version of the CR319”

  1. I’m looking to purchase a scanner as I’ve faults on my 2006 Honda Jazz, including airbag issues. I live in Australia and thought I’d found the right scanner only to find out it was for USA & Canada cars. Please can you make some suggestions allowing for some future proofing. Budget US$450

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